Thursday, October 7, 2010

What makes you...

The last month has been a struggle for my sister as she is preparing for a mandatory departure from her uterus. It isn't by her choice that it needs to be removed (she shows signs of cervical cancer) albeit is her choice to have the doctor take the excess baggage out. Stories abound about the trauma the removal of a uterus - the loving and protective home of the unborn child - makes women feel. Does removing one's reproductive organs make them feel less of a woman? What about the woman who has breast cancer and has to have a radical mastectomy and now has a sunken chest? Is she any less a woman? In the real, literal sense of the question, yes, they are less a woman. They now have "less" parts so they do not have standard issued equipment. However, I am going to dispute the validity of parts making the person a woman.

Dedicated to my sister - With love, from Deborah Rachelle

Parts vs. Hearts
I once had an organ inside called a womb,
It was dark, round, protective like a tomb.
My babies were created inside with care,
But their precious life did not end there.
Which contributed more to life - my part or my heart?

God blessed me with breasts to nurture and nourish,
With daily love and care, my babies soon began to flourish.
Each day they grew stronger and needed me less,
But when trials came, I hugged them to my chest.
Which contributed more to their success - my part or my heart?

Through life's trials and challenges I lost their dad,
I thought all was gone but realized, this actually made me glad.
I looked forward to my life -- my hopes, my dreams,
But the men that were cute looked at my busted seams.
Who really wanted my body, my part or my heart?

I met a young man, who looked through my skin,
He saw me for me and the woman within.
Tattered and broken, I gave him my heart,
He took it and held it, cherished it from the start.
What did he relish, my part or my heart?

Parts give life and help feed the child,
Taming the beast, so they aren't so wild.
Hearts are for loving, for joy and for sorrow,
Take my parts today for I have my heart for tomorrow.
What do you need in this life to live? Not your part but your heart.