Wednesday, August 6, 2008

When it's really hot...

Okay, today was a hot day. I mean h.o.t. hot!

About a month ago I bought a scooter to save on the gas MPG. After all, who wouldn't rather spend $4.00 for 90 MPG instead of $4.00 for 11 MPG (those darn Expeditions!!). But, I digress.

Riding a scooter in the sun is fun. However, the hotter it gets, the sweatier a person gets. When clouds are overhead a person wonders if they are feeling rain sprinkles or sweat dripping from their forehead when they wear a helmet.

But that's not the worse part of riding a scooter in the sun. It's the seat. For those who ride a motorcycle or scooter, you know what I mean. A five minute ride drenches a person's pants in a very conspicuous manner and all of a sudden you feel like you've wet your pants.


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